Optimize Your Notebook


Computers today are the extravagant computer power consumption and heat. But with the software LocalCooling it can be in on.

LocalCooling also become a Gold Certified Partner of Microsoft in save energy and reduce global warming.

With LocalCooling you are directly presented with detailed information on how much power your PC is consuming, based on a large database of hardware and in-depth research. By adjusting the power mode settings our advanced algorithms will predict how much you will save based on past PC usage and statistical data

LocalCooling will:

  • Cut your energy bills
  • Reduce your greenhouse gas emissions by reducing your PC's power consumption
  • Give you full control over any power mode settings
  • Improve your overall computing experience and efficiency
  • Show you, in detail, how much you have saved since installing the software


LocalCool is Free 100% and Good for Your PC's



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